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The Portal includes many indicators, the periodicity of updating varies according to the periodicity of data collection for each indicator. To find out about the latest updates, click on what's new.

The Portal of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics grants users permission to copy, download, use and share any content on the platform. Please refer to the link of the platform https://preview.uxpin.com/6ab8b4f19bb540e6fc14892bd4bb8b18c426d5c4#/pages/151021354/simulate/no-panels?mode=i.

The Portal managed by a team of researchers at the Child Unit and the Sustainable Development Unit at the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).

The main users of the Portal are researchers, statisticians, and those interested in child and sustainable development indicators.

At present; Users can find more than 800 child’s indicators from more than 400 different data sources, as well as more than 100 SDG indicators, all data available for the public. In addition to providing many reports, studies and files related to indicators of sustainable development and child in Egypt.