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What is Egypt's SDG and Child Portal?

It is an innovative digital platform created by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in cooperation with UNICEF Egypt. It reviews the sustainable development indicators categorized by goals, sectors . It also includes indicators for monitoring the situation of children in Egypt, classified according to sectors and groups in the form of time series.

The portal aims to monitor and follow up the indicators of the sustainable development goals and make them available to the public. The portal also allows comparisons of child status in many areas, according to gender, wealth index and many other characteristics. The portal also highlights the gaps between different regions by presenting indicators at the level of regions and governorates whenever possible. In addition to listing and presenting national strategies, agreements, reports and programs related to child's rights and related to indicators of sustainable development.

The portal was launched in / / 2023 and is managed and developed by the Child Unit and the Sustainable Development Unit of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, in cooperation with UNICEF Egypt and designed by Community Systems Foundation (CSF).

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Explore Egypt's SDG and Child Portal

The main sections of the portal are designed to help you get the data and information you need quickly and easily.

  • Visualizer : provides users with the analytical ability to query the entire data set by showcasing data in various charts and maps. It also allows the user to view data of any selected indicators from the data warehouse in a table that can also be downloaded. In addition, this tool comes with an in-built gallery feature that will allow users to edit and save their favorite visualizations in their private gallery.

  • Dashboards : It includes 3 dashboards:

                                  a. Sustainable Development Goals.

                                  b. Child indicators.

                                  c. Egypt Profile.

  • Metadata Hub : Through this page, you can obtain metadata for the SDG indicators.

  • Knowledge Library : It includes many reports and studies related to sustainable development and child statistics in Egypt.

  • What’s New : Through that page, you can find out news in the portal and the latest updates made on the indicators.

Portal data:

The portal includes two databases:

  • Sustainable Development Database.
  • Child indicators database.

1.Sustainable Development Database: The SDG indicators database includes a number of indicators that cover the 17 goals, in all social, economic and environmental dimensions. A time series is also available for many of the indicators included in the portal, in addition to displaying them according to different classifications such as gender, age, and place of residence. The Data sources In monitoring the indicators, reliance was made on many data sources such as censuses and surveys, in addition to administrative sources from ministries and agencies.

2.Child indicators database: It includes a number of indicators related to the situation of the child in Egypt, as it includes more than 500 indicators to monitor the situation of the child in various fields such as health, education, protection, the economy, etc., and data related to the protection, welfare and rights of the child, as this database includes a number of indicators in the form of a time series in addition to its presenting according to different disaggregation such as gender, wealth index, level of education, etc., in addition to monitoring the conditions of children in light of the sustainable development goals to clarify the current situation in Egypt and focus on the progress that has been made in the goals and their indicators. The data in the database was collected by the Child Unit of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, based on primary and secondary statistical sources. It relies on official data (derived from government sources and population surveys conducted by CAPMAS), as well as data extracted from international databases issued by United Nations agencies, which contain unified statistics for international comparison.

Who are the expected users of this portal?

The portal is designed to assist policy makers, national statisticians, researchers, journalists and the public whom interested in SDGs and child statistics in Egypt.